Practitioner Review: Neurobiological consequences of childhood maltreatment – clinical and therapeutic implications for practitioners

Bringing you some selected Open Access journal papers from our portfolio; The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (JCPP), Child and Adolescent Mental Health journal (CAMH), and JCPP Advances.

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‘Practitioner Review: Neurobiological consequences of childhood maltreatment – clinical and therapeutic implications for practitioners’

Paper from the JCPP

Childhood maltreatment is one of the most important preventable risk factors for a wide variety of psychiatric disorders. Further, when psychiatric disorders emerge in maltreated individuals they typically do so at younger ages, with greater severity, more psychiatric comorbid conditions, and poorer response to established treatments, resulting in a more pernicious course with an increased risk for suicide. Practitioners treating children, adolescents, and young adults with psychiatric disorders will likely encounter the highest prevalence of clients with early-onset maltreatment-associated psychiatric disorders. These may be some of their most challenging cases.

Authors: Jacqueline A. Samson, Thatcher R. Newkirk, Martin H. Teicher

First published: 23 August 2023

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