JCPP Annual Research Review

Bringing together empirical research, clinical studies and reviews in order to advance how we understand and approach child and adolescent mental health. Twitter @TheJCPP

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Reimagining the environment in developmental psychopathology: from molecules to effective treatments

The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry’s (JCPP) Annual Research Review (ARR) is a must-read special issue of the journal that presents a series of major reviews of key topics in the field. This year the ARR consists of 8 reviews, each accompanied by a commentary from a leading expert in the field, on a diverse range of topics addressing, in complementary ways, the key role of the environment in child psychopathology and in leveraging change in the service of prevention and intervention. Topics include epigenetics, stress physiology, neonatal imaging, inter-parental conflict, bullying, autism treatments and suicide. The papers considered together represent the very best of contemporary child psychology and psychiatry research.

Join JCPP’s Editor-in-Chief, Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke and Annual Research Review Editor, Professor Pasco Fearon, as they talk to researchers about the upcoming Annual Research Review in this webinar!


Reimagining the environment in developmental psychopathology: from molecules to effective interventions
Pasco Fearon

Annual Research Reviews

Annual Research Review: DNA methylation as a mediator in the association between risk exposure and child and adolescent psychopathology
Edward D. Barker, Esther Walton, Charlotte A.M. Cecil

Commentary: Whither the epigenetics of child psychopathology? Some reflections provoked by Barker et al. (2018)
Edmund J.S. Sonuga‐Barke, Pasco Fearon

Annual Research Review: Early adversity, the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenocortical axis, and child psychopathology
Kalsea J. Koss, Megan R. Gunnar

Commentary: Biological embedding of childhood adversity: where do we go from here? A reflection on Koss and Gunnar (2018)
Andrea Danese

Annual Research Review: Not just a small adult brain: understanding later neurodevelopment through imaging the neonatal brain
Dafnis Batalle, A. David Edwards, Jonathan O’Muircheartaigh

Commentary: The neonatal brain and the challenge of imaging biomarkers, reflections on Batalle et al. (2018)
John H. Gilmore

Annual Research Review: Interparental conflict and youth psychopathology: an evidence review and practice focused update
Gordon T. Harold, Ruth Sellers

Commentary: Understanding the impact of domestic violence on children, recognizing strengths, and promoting resilience: reflections on Harold and Sellers (2018)
Joy D. Osofsky

Annual Research Review: The persistent and pervasive impact of being bullied in childhood and adolescence: implications for policy and practice
Louise Arseneault

Commentary: Types of bullying, types of intervention: reflections on Arseneault (2018)
Peter K. Smith

Annual Research Review: The state of autism intervention science: progress, target psychological and biological mechanisms and future prospects
Jonathan Green, Shruti Garg

Annual Research Review: Early intervention for infants and young children with, or at‐risk of, autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review
Lorna French, Eilis M.M. Kennedy

Commentary: Randomized controlled trials in autism spectrum disorder: state of the field and challenges for the future
Emily Simonoff

Annual Research Review: Suicide among youth – epidemiology, (potential) etiology, and treatment
Christine B. Cha, Peter J. Franz, Eleonora M. Guzmán, Catherine R. Glenn, Evan M. Kleiman, Matthew K. Nock

Commentary: A time to reap and a time to sow: reducing the adolescent suicide rate now and in the future: commentary on Cha et al. (2018)
David Brent

For more on this Annual Research Review, join the Editor and researchers in our upcoming webinar


Good range of comprehensive reviews

[…] Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry publiceert zijn jaarlijks review nummer, dit jaar met de titel: ” Reimagining the environment in developmental psychopathology: from […]

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