Most cited CAMH paper joint #5 of 25: Evidence‐Based Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents: Data from the Present and a Model for the Future

Celebrating 25 years in 2020 CAMH is a high quality, peer-review of child and adolescent mental health services research. We have articles for practitioners describing evidence-based clinical methods and clinically orientated research. Follow on twitter @TheCAMH

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To celebrate the Child and Adolescent Mental Health journal’s 25th anniversary, we have released the 25 top cited articles of all time*! All papers are freely available online for you to read.

Number 5 of 25 is a tie! Jointly in 5th is…

Evidence‐Based Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents: Data from the Present and a Model for the Future
John R. Weisz, Jane Simpson Gray
First Published: 23 January 2008


What is the best way to help children cope with behavioural and emotional problems? This question has been a focus of concern — to children and the adults who care for them — across many centuries and in cultures around the world. In this article we examine the current state of efforts to help children by means of an array of non‐medical interventions designed to alleviate psychological distress, reduce maladaptive behaviour, and/or increase adaptive behaviour. We refer to these interventions, collectively, as ‘psychotherapy’. In the article, we will note some accomplishments of the effort to develop effective interventions through clinical research. Then we will note some concerns about these efforts, and suggest ways to address the concerns through an alternate model of intervention development and testing.

* as of December 2019

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