CAMH Editorial: Volume 17, Issue 1, February 2012

Editorial Assistant at ACAMH

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Editorial: Adieu and welcome

Tamsin Ford


I am delighted to welcome you all to our first edition of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) in 2012 and my first as Chief Editor. Paul Stallard was the Editor when I joined the team back in June 2007, and Jacqueline Barnes took over from him two years ago; both should be congratulated on CAMH’s excellent progress over this time. The number and quality of submissions has increased consistently year by year, and now includes a higher proportion from a wider range of countries. We are keen to encourage this increased flow of international submissions. Jacqueline Barnes should be congratulated as outgoing Chief Editor in achieving her aim that CAMH should have an impact factor. As we say goodbye and thank Jacqueline for all her hard work, I am delighted to welcome Jane Barlow, who joins Crispin Day and me as the current trio of editors; it is up to us to keep developing and improving the journal, with welcome feedback from our International Advisory Board and you, our readers.

We hope you enjoy the full editorial of this issue, which is free on the Wiley Online Library.

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