Strategic Priorities 2022-23

Marketing Manager for ACAMH

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ACAMH is over 60 years old, but we are not standing still. Our vision is ‘Sharing best evidence, improving practice’, and we work to our mission to ‘Improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people aged 0-25’. 

We will achieve this by:

  • Sharing best evidence-based practice
  • Encouraging, recognising, and disseminating high quality scientific research
  • Advocating multidisciplinary approaches in research and practice
  • Being international in orientation, values, and content

Feeding into this is our 2022-23 Strategy. You can download the full strategy and take a look at some of the headline objectives below.

Our strategic plan comprises eleven core areas of focus:

  1. Raise ACAMH profile and enhance brand image
  2. Sustain and broaden target market base
  3. Sustain and broaden the membership base
  4. Working with teachers
  5. Increase the impact of the Branches network
  6. Increase the overall number of event outputs, breadth of topics and impact
  7. Increase global dissemination of ACAMH journal outputs
  8. Increase the impact of ACAMH internationally
  9. Increase engagement
  10. Launch and develop the Learning Portal
  11. Maintain financial stability

Our core areas of focus are;

1. Raise ACAMH profile and enhance brand image

  • Build on the success and prestige of the ACAMH Awards
  • Commit to going green and becoming carbon neutral

2. Sustain & broaden the target market base

  • Invest in, and support the next generation of child and adolescent mental health professionals
  • Introduce new initiatives to attract engagement with undergraduate and postgraduate students

3. Sustain & broaden membership base

  • Increase memberships by 10% year on year
  • Investigate the viability and appetite for group memberships
  • Develop, distribute and analyse membership survey

4. Working with teachers

  • Partnering with relevant educational organisations, ensuring resources are put to good use by schools in order to make a difference to the educational outcomes of young people

5. Increase impact of Branches network Key initiatives

  • Identify and partner with universities offering CAMH-related courses
  • Branch committees to take ownership of and further develop/keep up to date their respective web page on the ACAMH website
  • Foster connections between local Branches and other professional bodies, charities, and groups

6. Increase the overall number of event outputs, breadth of topics, and impact 

  • Maximise impact and reach of event outputs
  • Increase number of events, making sure to cover all agreed disciplines and conditions
  • Ensure international conferences attract well known speakers and high delegate numbers

7. Increase global dissemination of ACAMH journal outputs

  • Continue to identify and work with paper authors, institutions, researchers, academics, to help make it attractive to submit to our journals
  • Highlight Wiley deals with institutions, so authors affiliated with those institutions can publish with us for free
  • Celebrate 1-year of submissions to JCPP Advances

8. Increase the impact of ACAMH internationally

  • Recruit an International Officer to the Board
  • Offer free memberships to professionals in developing countries

9. Increase engagement

  • Increase engagement through interacting on social media platforms and liaising between members and CAMHS agencies, organisations, and universities
  • Increase follower accounts across each social media platform and maintain engagement
  • Increase visitor numbers to ACAMH website

10. Launch and develop Learning Portal Key initiative

  • Developed with Cadmore Media, Mental Elf, Content Producers, and ACAMH CPD Group

11. Maintain ACAMH financial stability Key initiatives

  • Ensure income from events is sufficient to cover costs associated with free or niche events
  • Maximise income from investments held in accordance with risk profile and investment policy
  • Identify additional activities that cannot be funded from income that meet with strategic objectives of the organisation

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