Join our ACEs SIG and Forum

Marketing Manager for ACAMH

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Anyone can now join our Adverse Childhood Experiences Special Interest Group (ACEs SIG), and be part of the ACEs SIG Forum completely free! ACAMH members can log in to the website and participate in discussions on the ACES SIG Forum. If you’re not an ACAMH member (yet!), you will need to register to use the ACEs Forum first. This video walks you through the registration process.

To protect your privacy, the SIG is private, and the ACEs SIG Forum is only visible to those who are part of the Forum. In order to take part in discussions, please use the Request Membership button on the Forum landing page. An alert will be sent to the Forum admin, who will check it and grant you access. This video walks you through the process of joining the SIG once you’ve logged in to the website.

Mission Statement

  1. Publications from the UK Trauma Council could be made available – e.g. the recent material on ACEs, Traumatic Bereavement, and relevant material which focuses on the pandemic as a highly significant Adverse Childhood Experience.
  2. Preparation of training material e.g. different approaches to measuring ACEs in children and young people; ACEs in particular populations, e.g. ACEs associated with Refugee and Asylum Seeking children and young people; ACEs associated with Offending Behaviour; ACEs associated with Looked After Children; ACEs and Parenting; different models introducing Trauma Informed Care.
  3. Policy Information – Government Policy information in the context of ACEs through liaison with Stephanie Lewis who is working on this theme for ACAMH.

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