Cognitive Training

  • The association between anxiety and poor school attendance

    School plays a key role in children’s development, and frequent absence from school increases the likelihood of a range of adverse outcomes in childhood and later life. This includes poor academic performance, social isolation, economic deprivation and unemployment in adulthood. There are many risk factors for frequent school absence, including factors related to the child and their family, school and community.

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  • A theory of youth mental health recovery

    Mental health disorders have a negative impact on the individual, society and global economy. The prevalence of mental disorders is increasing in young people, and if unaddressed, research has shown that they may develop into severe and chronic illnesses. Despite this, research into youth mental health recovery is limited.

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  • The experiences of healthcare transitions between child and adult services for young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a review of evidence

    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterised by hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity. It affects around 5% of children, and can be a long term condition, with research showing that up to two thirds of young people with ADHD will continue to experience symptoms into adulthood. However, many young people with ongoing healthcare needs do not make the necessary transition from child to adult mental health services.

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  • JCPP Editorial: Volume 60, Issue 06, June 2019

    “Correlation and causation: to study causality in psychopathology” by Arne Lervåg

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  • Mood Disorders

    Fluctuations in mood to the extremities of feeling can have a negative effect on your general emotional state. These Mood Disorders can interfere with your ability to effectively function. At times the individual can be disproportionately sad, have feelings of emptiness or irritability, together with times of depression interchanging with periods of extreme happiness or […]

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    Day Conference
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  • Reporting of depression symptoms in children with ADHD: do parents know best?

    ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by hyperactive-impulsiveness and inattention. ADHD often co-occurs with emotional disorders such as depression and anxiety. Depression in particular is prominent amongst adolescents with ADHD, and can be difficult to identify as it can have similar features both to ADHD itself and to some of the side effects of ADHD medication.

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  • Prof. Angelica Ronald

    JCPP Editorial: Volume 60, Issue 05, May 2019

    “The psychopathology p factor: will it revolutionise the science and practice of child and adolescent psychiatry?” by Angelica Ronald

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  • Dr. Anula Nikapota

    Dr Anula Nikapota – R.I.P.

    It is with great sadness that I have to inform you Dr Anula Nikapota died on 4 April, suddenly while on holiday with her family. We are very shocked by her sudden death. Many of us will remember Anula for her many accomplishments for ACAMH on top of her great expertise clinically and educationally.

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  • In conversation… Sleep and mental health with Dr. Faith Orchard

    Does it make a difference if children are larks or owls? At what point should we be concerned about sleep problems? What is the knock-on effect of poor sleep on social factors? All this and more with Dr. Faith Orchard.

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  • Working memory deficits may compromise cognitive flexibility in OCD

    Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterised by recurrent intrusive thoughts and/or behaviours. These traits imply deficits in cognitive flexibility in affected patients, but it is unclear at what stage of information processing these deficits might emerge. To address this question, Nicole Wolff and colleagues asked 25 adolescents with OCD and 25 matched healthy controls to complete a computer-based task switching paradigm.

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